Florist Assistant Course March Break 2025
Florist Assistant Course March Break 2025
This course is designed for students in Grades 9 to 12. When completed, the student will be qualified to walk into any flower shop and be trained and ready to work. The course covers Flower science, ID and processing, basic flower arranging, Flower shop operations, customer service, telephone and interpersonal skills, holiday-specific tasks along with various relevant art projects. The course includes a field trip to other local Flower shops as well as an end-of-course celebration in which the students will be responsible for running the shop themselves for their friends and family.
The investment is $577 plus tax. This highly specialized and exclusive program provides an education that is not offered anywhere. Chartreuse Flower Works is celebrating ten years in business and is owned by an Ontario Certified Teacher. To date, 48 students have been trained at the shop, and some of the students have experienced some barriers to employment and challenges. The shop owner has experience mentoring teens through a variety of unique challenges.
For the 2025 March Break, we have reduced the cost to $495.00 plus tax.
Please call for more information 613-329-9443